RTUs, Base Stations, HMI, Com Systems, Sensors
WT manufactures data collection and control systems including many of the components necessary to do the job. Combining various technologies (sensors, data logging and control units [PLC-like devices], communication devices, display and Internet interactive software) into a working system is what constitutes “system integration;” a defined category of work regardless of who manufactures the components.
While many System Integrators are distributors of specific brands of hardware and weaving the core product into a system, WT is open-minded about hardware. While we have preferences, we are quite capable of using any brand of equipment a client prefers or that is in place at a site to be expanded or upgraded.
The key to system integration is to “marry” components that are reasonably compatible, if possible. WT does not deploy any extraordinary hardware or software that requires the average operator to have technial skills just to sell a particular product or device; the “keeping it simple” axiom is truly critical. That is why WT manufactures what we can because in that way we know what is in a given device and how it can work with other devices. Manufacturing capability is also what it takes to bring innovation to the System Integration market, which WT does on a consistent basis. The test of good integration is whether the average operator can make it work without any help, after some training, of course. While elegance is certainly nice, functionality is clearly better.
Because of its long history of successfully installing data collection and control systems throughout the United States, including Alaska, and Central America, WT has gained the practical experience needed to perform in nearly any environment, both taking data and getting it back to a “home” somewhere. This experience is reflected in the products WT manufactures and the systems it integrates with its emphasis on simplicity, robust construction, cost-efficiency, and maintainability.