This project will replace wooden check boards used to backup water in a major flood canal running adjacent to a major intersection in Medford. The flood canal must remain full to charge an irrigation canal. During significant rainfall events, the flood canal is not usable because it is blocked and so much water is stored behind the check boards. As a result, removing them in a timely manner was all but impossible. An automated 6′ by 11′ WT Smart Split-Gate will be installed to provide continuous flow control in the irrigation ditch with its top blade and emergency flow control in the flood canal by lifting the bottom 6′ blade if water flow over the top blade is too much to manage in its normal, non-flood mode. Flow and control data to and from the site will be transmitted via 900 MHz radios to a Base Station at RRVID offices several miles away. The single-station control system will be the basis for a larger-scale SCADA system to be installed at a later date.
You are here: Home / Irrigation / Flood and Irrigation Canal Control Gate Project, Rogue River Valley Irrigation District, Medford, OR